Daytime America
Created by
Bill Liblick and Rich Lyons
If ever there was a character ideal for a sitcom it's Bill Liblick. Bill is known throughout the country for his outrageous remarks on more than 300 television talk shows. Having been featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal and profiled on segments of Dateline NBC, Inside Edition, Entertainment Tonight, and many other major magazine shows, Bill has become "The Voice of the People." Known by millions as the Judge on Ricki Lake, and for his guest appearance on the ABC sitcom "Maybe This Time" starring Marie Osmond and Betty White, where he played himself as a talk show host, Bill has been called a producers dream.
Take Bill and add the elements of "Seinfeld," "Made About You," "Married With Children," and mix in the absurdity of daytime talk shows and outrageous new characters and you have "DAYTIME AMERICA" - A wild new sitcom.
In the show, Bill plays Billy Levine, host of the "Billy Show." He's a former journalist who found his niche in the daytime talk show genre. His "in-your-face" remarks have turned him into a spokesman of the people - as he lashes out at the bad guy and protects the underdog. Yet he's not happy with the sleazy topics the network forces him to cover. Billy would love to use his show as a forum for "real" issues, but the network insists that he keep the content low so that the ratings remain high.
The show takes place in three basic sets: The studio of The Billy Show, the production offices of The Billy Show and Billy's apartment.
The other characters featured are:
- NANCY COLEMAN : The show's executive producer and Billy's sometime live-in girlfriend. She is attractive, intelligent and the voice of reason in the office. She too is unhappy about making compromises to pander to a lower audience.
- DONNIE ZIMBROWSKI: 28 years old, a producer with a penchant for doing the sleaziest topics possible, being something of a sleaze himself. He is also a master of the sarcastic one-liner.
- ROY CREBBS: 35 years old, another producer for the show. He's a proud African American who won't take crap from anybody and is ready to go toe to toe on any issue.
- BETH CONWAY: 32 years old, another producer. She's beautiful, intelligent and very competitive. She also happens to be lesbian. In later episodes Donnie's main goal will be to get her into bed that he can change her sexual orientation.
- DONNA FRANCHETTI: 25 years old, a research assistant to the producers. She has a chronic attitude problem whenever Billy, Nancy or Marlene enters the office.
- MARLENE SIMPKIN: 45 years old, this network executive is originally from Houston and has not yet caught on to the New York sarcasm that flows freely at her expense.
- TRUDY LA BOOM: A washed up stripper from the 50's is the office receptionist, she makes a lot of mistakes but Billy feels sorry for her, and keeps her on. She was a former guest of "The Billy Show."
- OUTRAGEOUS GUESTS: In true daytime talk style, each episode will feature wild guests appearing on "The Billy Show."
- AUDIENCE MEMBERS: What would a talk show be without its usual cast of audience members. And "The Billy Show" has a bunch of regulars that are outrageous in their own right.
- THE DOGS: Billy has three Yorkshire Terriers...Sally, Jessie, and Rafael.
© Copyright 1998 Bill Liblick and Rich Lyons
The Billy Show
Billy's Court
A Segment with Bill Liblick
In Your Face
Talk Radio
Sitcom: One in a Million